Saturday, March 30, 2019

Great Book 3 Progress in March

I've had another extremely productive month working on the final book in my trilogy.

As I stated in my previous post, I hope to provide monthly updates here.

I'm excited to report that the manuscript currently sits at 25,000 words. Up from 17K at the end of February, that works out to a solid 2,000 words per week.

Right now, the ideas are just flowing. The book has totally come together in my mind. All the details just totally unlocked for me. I have written the first eight chapters and I have every scene mapped and sequenced through Chapter 20.  That will get me all the way up to the final climatic scene.

If I can maintain this pace, I should have the first draft done this year. Considering the last book just came out six months ago, this is an absolutely blistering rate for me and easily my most productive stretch in my 12 years of writing.  There was a four year wait between My Brother's Keeper and Marching As to War. I am committed to making sure that doesn't happen again. Right now, it's looking like it will be less than two years. Maybe less than a year and a half.

And if you've enjoyed my first two books, you are going to love this one. Everything is coming together so beautifully, it's going to look like I knew what I was doing the whole time.

Galen Griffon will return in
Galahad's Doom Book III: The Armor of God